We’ll train you to become an expert selling vacations and you’ll reap the rewards by earning commission on each sale! Start your fun side hustle selling (and earning) today!

Cruise Vacations


Tours & Excursions

Travel Insurance

How it Works
For every sale you make, you’ll earn a commission. Sell to your friends, family, social media followers, or wherever you can find other travel buffs. Not only are they supporting you, but they may even land better pricing than if they were to book directly through a travel provider. And after our training, coupled with your personal experience traveling, your customers will get to pick your brain for all your expertise and guidance.
How Much Do Travel Consultants Make at Dream Vacations?
As an independent contractor, you’ll earn a commission on each vacation that you sell. The more vacations you sell, the more money that you’ll make. The typical commission for travel agents varies, but because Dream Vacations is a powerhouse in the travel industry, our agents receive the industry’s highest paid commissions. Below is a sample of how the commission is calculated. Please note, this sample is used for demonstration purposes, actual commissions may vary and commission percentages vary by supplier.
Let’s say you sell a…
7-Night Caribbean Cruise Cabin
Non-Commissionable Fees
Total Commissionable Fare
Commission Earned
EARN 60% as your commission split